The ancient Chinese plum fruit as a symbol of teamwork.
Plum fruits symbolize the power of teamwork, inspiring successful strategies and innovative thinking.

From "Looking at Plums to Quench Thirst" to Motivational Strategies in Modern Management: How Historical Anecdotes Inspire Leaders' Wisdom and Methods.

Inspiration from "Looking for Plums to Quench Thirst" in Modern Management Incentive Strategies

The Wisdom of Historical Anecdotes

The idiom "Looking for Plums to Quench Thirst" originates from ancient China. It is said to describe how a commanding officer would encourage soldiers during a thirsty march by describing the delicious fruits of plum trees ahead, boosting their morale and making them forget their thirst. This story not only showcases the wisdom of ancient people but also provides profound insights for modern management.

The Core Concepts of Incentive Strategies

In modern management, incentive strategies are key to improving team efficiency and enhancing employee loyalty. Inspired by "Looking for Plums to Quench Thirst," the main aspects of incentive methods include:

  • Goal Setting: Like looking for plums to quench thirst, companies can set specific and clear goals, allowing employees to experience a sense of achievement in the pursuit of these goals.
  • Visualization of Incentives: By using images and data, employees can clearly see how their efforts contribute to the company's development.
  • Emotional Resonance: Sharing success stories and cases lets employees feel the value of their work, stimulating intrinsic motivation.

Analysis of Successful Cases

Many companies have applied the principles of "Looking for Plums to Quench Thirst" in practice and achieved significant results. For example:

  • Technology Company A: During the annual performance evaluation, they established the "Annual Best Contribution Award" and promoted it internally to encourage employees to strive for excellence in their work.
  • Retail Company B: By conducting periodic sales competitions, employees felt a sense of achievement through competition, leading to a significant increase in sales.

The Role and Wisdom of Leaders

In the process of applying these incentive strategies, the role of leaders is crucial. They need to possess the following wisdom:

  • Sensitivity to Situations: Flexibly adjust incentive methods based on different team circumstances.
  • Effective Communication: Maintain good communication with employees to understand their needs and expectations.
  • Role Modeling: Leaders themselves should become examples of motivation, demonstrating enthusiasm and responsibility towards their work.


The story of "Looking for Plums to Quench Thirst" teaches us that motivation is not just about material rewards but also about spiritual encouragement. Effective incentive strategies can allow employees to experience joy and a sense of achievement while pursuing their goals, thus promoting the overall development of the company. As modern managers, we should make good use of this wisdom to stimulate the team’s enthusiasm and create a better working environment.

In future management practices, how to better integrate this ancient wisdom with modern management will be a topic for every leader to continuously explore.